How I cook Ctags in Vim

Ctags is great piece of software. And it took me some time to realize how I can use ctags with vim in optimal for me way. My solution is petty simle. I have few vim functions that vim runs when buffer write is done.

Functions do following:

  • Initialize tags file with symlink to /tmp (tmpfs) with uuid in name if no symlink was found
  • Touch tags file
  • If file is empty (wc -l return 0 lines) then populate it with ctags -R command
  • Remove all lines from tags file related to current file
  • Update tags file with new content of current file with ctags -a

Why I use symlinks for tags file?

  • Writes are slow
  • Writes are bad for my SSD
  • Memory is blazingly fast

Here is my code:

" If tags file does not exist initializes it with symlink to tmp with UUID in
" filename
function! InitTagsFileWithSymlink(f)
  let filepath = a:f
  let issymlink = system("find '" . filepath . "' -type l | wc -l")
  if issymlink == 0
    let uuid = system('uuidgen')
    let cmd  = 'ln -s "/tmp/ctags-for-vim-' . uuid . '" "' . filepath . '"'
    let cmd  = substitute(cmd, '\n', '', 'g')
    let resp = system(cmd)

" Populates tags file if lines count is equal to 0
" with `ctags -R .`
function! PopulateTagsFile(f)
  let filepath = a:f
  let resp     = system('touch "' . filepath . '"')
  let lines    = system('wc -l "' . filepath . '"')
  let linescnt = substitute(lines, '\D', '', 'g')
  if linescnt == 0
    let cwd  = getcwd()
    let cmd  = 'ctags -Rf "'. filepath . '" "' . cwd . '"'
    let resp = system(cmd)

" Remove tags for saved file from tags file
function! DelTagOfFile(file)
  let fullpath    = a:file
  let cwd         = getcwd()
  let tagfilename = cwd . "/tags"
  let f           = substitute(fullpath, cwd . "/", "", "")
  let f           = escape(f, './')
  let cmd         = 'sed --follow-symlinks -i "/' . f . '/d" "' . tagfilename . '"'
  let resp        = system(cmd)

" Init tags file
" Populate it
" Remove data related to saved file
" Append it with data for saved file
function! UpdateTags()
  let f           = expand("%:p")
  let cwd         = getcwd()
  let tagfilename = cwd . "/tags"
  call InitTagsFileWithSymlink(tagfilename)
  call PopulateTagsFile(tagfilename)
  call DelTagOfFile(f)
  let cmd  = 'ctags -a -f ' . tagfilename . ' "' . f . '"'
  let resp = system(cmd)

command UpdateTags call UpdateTags()
autocmd BufWritePost *.rb,*.js,*.coffee,*.clj call UpdateTags()

Enjoy :)
